What Can Sellers Expect During the Closing Process?

Today Tammy and I want to go over what you can expect during closing as a seller. 

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As a seller, what should you expect when you are getting ready to close?

Tammy takes over once you are under contract, so she is joining me today to talk about the closing process. Once you’re under contract, you’ll have a termite and a home inspection, both of which Tammy will help you order.

Tammy will also ask for some financial information from you that needs to go to the closing attorney so they can call and order a payoff. This allows them to know exactly how much is going to be sent to your mortgage company in order for you to receive your net proceeds and purchase your next home.

We will help you through every step of the closing process.
Your social security number is needed to make sure there are no judgments or liens against you in addition to those that are attached to the house. We strive to make sure we have all of that information prior to getting to the closing table so there are no delays. Tammy makes sure all of the necessary documents make it to the closing table.

You might not receive funds at the closing table, but don’t freak out. After closing is completed you will receive your money either from picking up a check at our office or having our attorney transfer the funds into your account, which is seamless and easy. Speaking of which, we are even getting to the point where you could close via Skype!

If you have any further questions or if you are looking to sell your home, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We would be more than happy to help!